Gunnerside and Upper Swaledale
Broderick, Hannah of Springend
This is the last Will and Testament of me Hannah Broderick of Springend in the County of York, Spinster.

I give devise and bequeath all my share of that freehold Close of Land with the Cowhouses thereon situate in Higher Whitaside in Swaledale called or known by the name of Walton Close. Also all my share of One Copyhold Dwellinghouse Stable and Garden situate and being at or within the Territories of Low Row in Swaledale with all the rights members and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto my Sister Margaret Broderick her heirs and assigns for ever.

I give and bequeath unto my said Sister Margaret Broderick all my share of Household furniture, Beds and Bedding plate linen and China also all monies in my possession or due and owing to me at the time of my decease and all other my personal Estate and Effects whatsoever charged nevertheless with the payment of all my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses.

And I nominate and appoint my said Sister Margaret Broderick Sole Executrix of this my Will. In witness whereof I the said Hannah Broderick the Testatrix have to this my last will and Testament set my hand.

Hannah Broderick

Signed in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Sixty two the Thirteenth day of May