Can't help with the old photographs but we recently found this advert in an old newspaper - Daily Advertiser, December 27th 1777.
To be Sold by Auction by Mr. SKINNER, On Friday the 23rd of January, at Garraway's Coffee-House, Change-Alley, Cornhill, at Twelve o'Clock, by Order of the Assignees of Mr. William KINLESIDE, A Compact COPYHOLD FARM, called STRANDS, near Gunnerside, in Swaledale, in the Parish of Grinton, occupied by Mr. Thomas Galloway; consisting of two Dwelling-Houses, with Gardens, two Cowhouses, and six Fields of rich Meadow Land, containing 20 Acres or thereabouts, within a Ring Fence, bounded South by the River Swale, and North by the Road from Gunnerside to Reeth, held of the Manor of Healaugh Newland, at a customary Rent of 4s 8d. and a Fine certain of 3l. 10s. To be viewed till the Sale.
Printed Particulars may be had on the Premises; at the Posthouse, at Richmond; Mr. Pratt's, at Reeth; Mr. Turner's at Gunnerside; Mr. Addison's, at Muker; at the Place of Sale; and of Mr. Skinner, Aldersgate-Street