A Petty Assault - Spensley Thompson, of Dyke Head, near Gunnerside, in Swaledale, was charged before the Richmond County Justices on Saturday with assaulting a youth named Ralph Wagget, of the same place, on Saturday, the 7th inst. The parties, it appears, are neighbours, and on the day in question, as the complainant was carrying a pail of water along the path to his house he emptied it over the defendants step, which had just previously been cleaned. Enraged by this Thompson went to demand an explanation, and on receiving an unsatisfactory statement, setting forth that the affair was an accident, he struck the youth over the head several times, making him sick. In cross-examination before the Bench the youth admitted that he was authorised by his father to have the "accident" as he was passing over the step. A fine of 6d. was imposed, and the costs were remitted.
York Gazette - 21st September 1889